Category: Blog
Concert in Silkeborg coming soon!
Together with mezzo-soprano Mette Østergaard and pianist Jacob Nielsen!
Summer concert at Villa Lunde in Norway on 8th of July with Trio Satie
Our CD out now!

Trio Satie success!
Trio Satie – Spring concerts on the 14th and 21st of April
Trio Satie New Year concerts!
This autumns TrioSatie Salons – a pure pleasure!
Christmas concert at Müller & Chemnitz place.
, December 2017
At Chili Turèlls place, November 2017.
Sommerfugledalen vol.2 in Utzons beautiful church!
The Requiem by Inger Christensen went really well and the public complimented us on enhancing the poetry in such a beautifully improvised and meaningful way!
Thank you again Jens Asbjørn Olesen, Jørgen Ellegård and Pia Mia Gruwier..and the beautiful Bagsværd Church!

Summer-Opera at Glibinggård!