Author: isabel
Successful Gertrude!
Great success with Hugi Gudmundssons opera “Hamlet in absentia” both in Odense ( Fynske Opera) and in Ålborg ( Musikkens Hus) in March! Love the role of Gertrude;-)
Nordjyske 28marts17 Anmeldelse INFORMATION Fyns Stifttidende Anmeldelse
A few Trio Satie concerts to start the new year with!
Happy New Year!
Trio Satie Salons this autumn… with famous actor!
Trio Satie Autumn Salons on the 30th of October at 15pm
at Thanings place; Frederiksberg Allé 32, Frb.
and… on 6th of November at 15pm
at Enevolds place ; Strandvejen 61, 2100 Kbh Ø
For tickets and more info:
Sunny September concert in Grenå church
Trio Satie joining the Marathon, 3rd of September – Århus festuge “VEXATIONS”
…and it was a success:
Hamlet in Absentia – Worldpremiere!
…on the 16th of August at Elsinore Castle in Helsingør ( DK) at 20.00 pm
For tickets please go to